(305) 877-5084 Appointment

Skin Tightening in Miami Beach, FL

Firmer & Smooth Skin With EmSculpt NEO

Miami Beach Skin Tightening | AM Beauty & Wellness Studio

While we typically tend to focus on facial wrinkles, skin laxity affects every inch of our skin.

Fortunately, innovations in medical-grade beauty treatments allow us to tighten the skin in virtually any area of our bodies without a single incision or downtime. EmSculpt NEO is a revolutionary body sculpting treatment that produces comprehensive results in targeted areas to achieve a beautifully sculpted and youthful appearance. Schedule your Miami Beach Skin Tightening consultation with one of our board-certified physicians to realize tighter skin that beautifully hugs your body’s contours.

Miami Beach skin tightening model with blonde hair

Radiofrequency For Immediate & Ongoing Results

What is Skin Tightening with EmSculpt NEO?

EmSculpt NEO revolutionizes non-surgical body sculpting by incorporating multiple modalities to produce comprehensive benefits in targeted areas. Radiofrequency effectively tightens skin and reduces localized fat to create firmer, smoother contours. At the same time, EmSculpt NEO delivers HIFEM (high-intensity electromagnetic) energy to underlying muscles to increase tone and definition.

No Downtime. No Drawbacks. Just Younger-Looking Skin.

What are the benefits of Skin Tightening?

EmSculpt NEO treats multiple regions of the body. To deliver an optimally youthful and toned appearance, it addresses three areas of concern: skin laxity, excess isolated fat, and undefined musculature. Treatment is quick, comfortable, and effective, with no significant preparation or downtime. With your EmSculpt NEO Skin Tightening Miami Beach patients get benefits such as:

  • Long-lasting results
  • Firmer, smoother skin
  • Refined body contours
  • Enhanced muscle definition
  • Reduced fat in targeted areas

EmSculpt NEO can be applied to your arms, legs, abdomen, and buttocks for younger-looking skin throughout.

Reveal Your Best Look

Am I a good candidate for Skin Tightening treatment?

If you have noticed increased skin laxity, wrinkles, or a crepey appearance, EmSculpt NEO can help restore your skin’s youthful firmness. EmSculpt NEO Skin Tightening is especially beneficial for patients with concerns about pockets of isolated fat in various areas of their bodies.

Your 30-Minute EmSculpt Session

Your Skin Tightening Procedure

Skin Tightening at AM Beauty & Wellness Studio involves no preparation, anesthesia, or downtime. As you lie back comfortably, your providing board-certified physician will affix a specially designed applicator panel to the targeted area of your body, and your treatment will begin promptly. You will notice mild heat similar to a hot stone massage and increasingly powerful muscle contractions during your treatment. Each session takes just half an hour, and you can return to all regular activities immediately after you leave our office.

Miami Beach skin tightening model with black outfit

Stunningly Youthful Skin With No Downtime

Skin Tightening Recovery

Following your Miami Beach Skin Tightening treatment, you will have no restrictions. You will be able to maintain every aspect of your busy life with progressively tighter skin.

Restore Your Skin’s Youthful Elasticity.

Skin Tightening Results

While you will notice an immediate improvement in the firmness of your skin, your results will continue to develop for several months as increased collagen production delivers continuous improvements. At the same time, you will also realize stronger, more defined muscles and reduced fat in targeted areas.

Your best look is waiting for you.

Schedule your Miami Beach Skin Tightening consultation with AM Beauty & Wellness today

EmSculpt NEO allows you to address multiple concerns with one easy treatment. If you are ready to take advantage of the incredible skin tightening and body contouring benefits of EmSculpt NEO, schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified physicians. AM Beauty & Wellness is the premier destination for Skin Tightening with EmSculpt NEO in Miami Beach.

Skin TighteningFrequently Asked Questions

While the fat reduction achieved with EmSculpt NEO is permanent, you can expect the muscle and skin toning effects to last as long as one year.

The number of treatments included in your personalized treatment plan will depend on the condition of your concerns and your goals for treatment. Patients typically undergo between one and six monthly EmSculpt NEO treatments to achieve their desired outcomes.

You can maintain your Skin Tightening results with regular skincare and wear high-strength sunscreen to avoid damage caused by sun exposure and free radicals. You can also schedule follow-up EmSculpt NEO sessions to prolong your results.

EmSculpt NEO is remarkably safe and effective, with minimal risk of complications or side effects. However, some conditions may contraindicate treatment for some patients. Book your consultation or contact us with any questions about this state-of-the-art Skin Tightening treatment.

Your Destination for Enhanced Health, Aesthetics, and Longevity in South Florida

Health is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. At AM Beauty & Wellness Studio, we focus on your unique needs to facilitate an optimally personalized, professional, and personable experience. Begin your journey with us to look, feel, and live better.

300 Alton Rd, Suite 100A, Miami Beach, FL 33139