(305) 877-5084 Appointment

Leg Sculpting in Miami Beach, FL

Trim and Tone Your Thighs

Leg Sculpting in Miami Beach at AM Beauty & Wellness Studio

Leg day can be brutal. Fortunately, there is a better way to sculpt your quads and hamstrings for an authentically sculpted and athletic look. AM Beauty & Wellness Studio offers a one-of-a-kind treatment for Leg Sculpting in Miami without having to spend endless hours doing squats.

EmSculpt NEO is a completely non-invasive treatment designed to tone your quads and hamstrings, eliminate excess fat, and firm skin without surgery or downtime. If you have yet to realize your ideal results with diet and exercise alone, book your consultation to discuss this advanced solution with one of our medically-trained aesthetic providers.

Miami Beach Leg Sculpting model with black outfit

Reduce Fat. Build Muscle.

What is EmSculpt NEO Leg Sculpting Treatment?

EmSculpt NEO is the latest iteration of groundbreaking EmSculpt technology. This revolutionary solution to excess fat and under-defined muscles combines radiofrequency and high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energies to deliver compound results in targeted areas. EmSculpt NEO involves no pain, incisions, anesthesia, or downtime, making it an ideal solution for patients looking to enhance their fitness results without the drawbacks of invasive treatments.

Visibly Toned Thighs

What are the benefits of EmSculpt NEO for Leg Sculpting?

EmSculpt NEO delivers significant, long-lasting results in a way that is convenient and truly beneficial. Each session takes 30 minutes and involves no downtime, making it easier to fit into your schedule than an intense gym workout and delivering superior results. Each session is the equivalent of 20,000 muscle contractions, and you will be able to return to all of your normal activities immediately after your appointment. With Leg Sculpting Miami Beach patients get these benefits:

  • No surgery
  • Firmer skin
  • No downtime
  • Long-lasting results
  • Comfortable treatment
  • 25% increase in muscle
  • A permanent 30% decrease in treated fat
  • Enhanced muscle definition for a visibly toned look

Athletically Defined Quads and Hamstrings

Am I a good candidate for Leg Sculpting with EmSculpt NEO?

If you have been exercising and eating healthy without realizing the toned thighs you want, EmSculpt NEO is likely an excellent solution for you. Ideal candidates for our Miami Beach Leg Sculpting treatment should be in good general health and be at or near their goal weight.

Quick. Comfortable. Effective.

Your Leg Sculpting Procedure

Leg Sculpting with EmSculpt NEO could not be easier. While you relax, your providing board-certified physician or certified BTL provider will apply the device to your thighs, and your treatment will begin. You will notice a warming sensation and increasingly intense muscle contractions as your session progresses. Treatment is completely comfortable, takes only 30 minutes, and requires no anesthesia. As soon as your procedure is complete, you will be able to return to all of your regular activities without restriction.

Miami Beach Leg Sculpting model with blonde hair

Your Best Leg Day

Leg Sculpting Recovery

There are no restrictions or downtime after Leg Sculpting with EmSculpt NEO, so you will be able to maintain every aspect of your active lifestyle throughout the course of your Leg Sculpting treatment. You may experience some muscle soreness similar to what you would feel after a strenuous workout session. Most patients choose to skip the gym for a day or two, as they have already worked out the targeted muscles.

Athletically Defined Legs

EmSculpt NEO Leg Sculpting Results

You will notice a difference in the toned quality of your quads and hamstrings within just a couple of weeks after your first treatment. However, your fat reduction benefits will continuously improve for up to three months after your last treatment as the body metabolizes the treated fat cells. You can expect to undergo four treatments to achieve optimal results. You can maintain your results indefinitely with a healthy lifestyle and follow-up treatments as needed.

The Best in Body Sculpting

Schedule your Miami Beach Leg Sculpting consultation with AM Beauty & Wellness Studio today

If you are ready to achieve your best possible fitness results without compromising your time or energy, EmSculpt NEO can deliver the exquisitely sculpted thighs you want. AM Beauty & Wellness Studio is your premier destination for Leg Sculpting in Miami. There is a $50 fee for your personalized consultation which can be applied to your first treatment.

EmSculpt NEO Leg SculptingFrequently Asked Questions

You can expect your EmSculpt NEO results to last up to a year. However, the fat destroyed during your treatment will never return.

While treated fat cannot return, the remaining fat cells will continue to shrink or swell with overall weight change. Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable weight to maintain your toned look after receiving Leg Sculpting.

While EmSculpt NEO does not specifically treat cellulite, the reduction in fat can reduce cellulite dimpling for a smoother appearance.

Your Destination for Enhanced Health, Aesthetics, and Longevity in South Florida

Health is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. At AM Beauty & Wellness Studio, we focus on your unique needs to facilitate an optimally personalized, professional, and personable experience. Begin your journey with us to look, feel, and live better.

300 Alton Rd, Suite 100A, Miami Beach, FL 33139